What mentees need, what mentors offer and benefits derived by both.
Art of Mentoring’s 2020 research project was a benchmarking exercise across our mentoring platform to reveal what mentees want, what mentors think they can and want to offer and what both parties actually get from their mentoring relationship.
We drew on anonymised data from 13,000+ mentoring applications and surveys completed by 1,500+ mentors and mentees. Because many of our clients use our mentoring application and survey templates, we were able to use data from commonly worded questions. The diverse nature of the programs, including graduate, early career, mid-career, late career cohorts, means the mentees and mentors in the sample are of all age groups, generations and gender. In-company and professional membership programs are included, therefore a variety of professions, industries and thousands of employing organisations are represented. There is a bias to white-collar employees in the sample, but it is not exclusively so.
The findings of this report are outlined in our webinar Mentoring Development Needs and Outcomes which can be viewed here: Mentoring Development Needs and Outcomes