The Study
Following an extensive review, a nationally resourced mentoring program with local delivery in each state was recommended for roll-out in late 2015. A national Program Manager was brought on board to manage all program administration using an online mentoring program platform and to support the pairs in each region.
Local volunteers have been trained by Art of Mentoring to deliver training in each state for mentors and mentees. Nationally, the program aims to support up to 500 newly graduated vets with mentoring support for their first year of work. This is an important program, as new vets can find the transition into work quite daunting – mentors help them navigate their way into a first job, overcome isolation if working far from home, and deal with issues that arise in the workplace. The program has been very successful and rolls out across the country each year, in July and October.
Art of Mentoring consultants conducted stakeholder research, worked with a steering group to design the program, trained the Program Manager and volunteers and provided the all the mentoring resources used by program participants. The program is managed by AVA on our mentoring program management platform. We continue to work with the Australian Veterinary Association to evaluate and fine tune the program for continuous improvement.
Art of Mentoring can help any organization launch, run or evaluate a mentoring program. For more information please contact us.