AHRI and Art of Mentoring Present: Government Case Studies – Pushing Boundaries in Mentoring Programs Webinar
Mentoring can help achieve organisational goals in performance, engagement, cultural shift, diversity, inclusion, succession planning, leadership, change management and much more.
Here’s what you will learn:
• How ATO and NSW DPIE implemented mentoring and why they are leading the way
• Different types of programs (intergenerational, women in leadership, Indigenous, regional, etc.)
• How to build highly successful programs and implement for various objectives
• Shifting culture, increasing engagement and building the talent pipeline with mentoring
Presented by:
Alison Stott
Assistant Commissioner
ATO People | Learning & Development
Australian Taxation Office
Mathew Paine
Executive Director
Capability & Inclusion
NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment
Melissa Richardson
Managing Director
Art of Mentoring