Category Archives: Resource

Case Study: Women in Mining Network NSW

In this compelling case study, we examine the persistent challenge of low female participation in the male-dominated mining industry, where women make up just 16% of the workforce. To address this disparity, the Women in Mining Network (WIMnet) of New South Wales introduced a transformative initiative – the WIMnet NSW Mentoring Program. Now in its […]

eBook: Mentoring in Professional Associations

In today’s diverse professional landscape, belonging to an association community is essential for individual professional identity and career development. Mentoring programs play a crucial role in helping members achieve professional development goals while expanding their networks, socializing standards and norms, and fostering a sense of belonging. Our eBook is a comprehensive guide designed exclusively for […]

eBook: Mentoring in Healthcare Organisations

Mentoring in Healthcare Organisations: Supporting Those Who Support Us The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to our lives, including the way we work and our priorities. It has exposed the vulnerabilities in our healthcare systems and forced us to rethink how we can better support those on the front lines. The pandemic has also […]

eBook: Mentoring in Healthcare Associations

Mentoring in Healthcare Associations: Supporting Those Who Support Us The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to our lives, including the way we work and our priorities. It has exposed the vulnerabilities in our healthcare systems and forced us to rethink how we can better support those on the front lines. The pandemic has also […]

eBook: 7 Steps To Starting A Successful Association Mentoring Program

While starting a mentoring program isn’t rocket science, there’s certainly an art to it. We have prepared a definitive 7 step guide to help you implement an impactful mentoring program which is unique to your Association’s needs. We offer insights gained from over 20 years designing and implementing hundreds of programs. Learn how mentoring can […]

Checklist for Success Mentoring in Membership-based Organizations

Membership-based organizations are constantly challenged to do more with less, while delivering great value for their members. If you want to engage new members and provide opportunities for senior members to give back to your profession or industry, mentoring is a particularly cost-effective way to achieve genuine outcomes for your association, and it’s members. To […]

Mentoring in the Workplace 2022

The concept of mentoring is certainly not something new. In fact, the word originates from a character in Homer’s classic poem “The Odyssey,” which dates back to three millennia ago. But that doesn’t mean that the concept has been static. Traditional mentoring relationships have often formed naturally, with older people often passing along knowledge and […]

eBook: How To Choose The Right Mentoring Software

You’re ready to launch a mentoring program, or you have an existing program in place and are managing it with countless spreadsheets, emails and post-it notes. You know there has to be an easier way to implement this using the right technology! A solution that saves time and creates a more engaging experience for your […]

Case Study: Women Building Australia National Mentoring Program

The Women Building Australia National Mentoring Program is an initiative led by Master Builders’ Australia, which represents eight state and territory Master Builders’ Associations and 32,000 members nationwide. The program provides female newcomers to the industry with access to support, encouragement and advice from experienced individuals through a virtual or face-to-face mentoring relationship. In this […]

eBook: 7 Steps To Starting A Successful Mentoring Program

We have prepared this definitive 7-step guide to help you implement an impactful mentoring program that is unique to your organization’s needs. We will explore insights that we’ve gained over the past 20 years, designing hundreds of programs and incorporating methodologies that align with International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching (ISMC).